Dr Kushma Nand


Dr Nand is an experienced nephrologist and general physician. She has a broad experience in all aspects of renal disease and enjoys seeing complex patients with multiple co-morbidities.


She is a staff specialist in nephrology and general medicine at Western Health and actively involved in the teaching and mentoring of junior doctors for physician examination. Dr Nand is a college appointed training supervisor for basic and advanced FRACP trainees. She is FRACP examiner in two local hospitals, Western Hospital and Epworth Hospital. Her interest includes chronic kidney disease management and epidemiology and special interest in Renal Pathology.


Dr Kushma Nand has completed a sabbatical at the prestigious Brigham and Women’s Hospital ( Boston, USA) which is affiliated with Harvard University. She was attached and trained alongside the world renowned nephropathologist Dr Helmut Rennke during her sabbatical in the Nephropathology Department at Harvard University.


Dr Nand has also acted as an associate Dean (Australia) for the Oceania School of Medicine ( Miami USA) and as a Clinical Educator in 2017.


Dr Nand has private admitting rights to The Epworth Hospital (Richmond and Freemason) and Western Private Hospital.


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Queens Park Specialists


800 Mount Alexander Road
Moonee Ponds, Victoria 3039

Phone (03) 9370 9329
Fax (03) 9375 3190

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